Clearcase Tips and Trix

Most of the content on this page is pinched from YoLinux Tutorial - Clearcase Client Commands. I’ve just added them here for quick reference.

Usefull Commands

ct lsco
List all checkedout files in the current directory.
ct lsco -r
Same as above with the flag "-r" recusivly looks in sub directories.
ct lsco -me -cview -all
List all files that are checkedout by me in the current view.
ct find ./ -branch 'brtype(branch-name)' -print
Find all files of the specified branch name.
ct lsprivate
List all private files in current view.
find . -print | xargs cleartool mkelem -mkpath -nc
Recursively add all files and directories in the current directory
cleartool find . -exec 'cleartool ci -nc $CLEARCASE_PN
Recursively checkin all files (and directories) in the current directory.